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About Us

Garland Retired School Personnel (GRSP) is affiliated with the Texas Retired Teacher’s Association (TRTA.)  Active membership in TRTA is open to any retired public school employee who is an annuitant or who is eligible to receive benefits from the Texas Teacher Retirement System.  


Membership in GRSP is open to anyone who would like to join.


TRTA and GRSP membership is vitally important for retired school personnel. TRTA is the only organization with the power to take steps to improve the quality of life for retirees. TRTA lobbies the state legislature on our behalf.  They also guide members in the best ways to communicate our needs to our legislators. 


GRSP offers numerous opportunities for volunteer service and fellowship. We meet monthly from September through May. Meetings include snacks, games, a December luncheon, and entertainment, informative programs and field trips. Projects include scholarships, adopt-a-school, children's book collections and food pantry collections, to name a few.


Members can be as involved as they have the time and inclination to be! Please consider joining us to meet up with old friends and make new ones!

Standing Rules

Want to know more about our group and how we operate? Check out our adopted Standing Rules

2023-2024 GRSP Officers

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