Garland Retired School Personnel
Welcome to the Garland Retired School Personnel official website! This is where you'll find the latest updates, meeting info, pictures, and news about our group. Visit us regularly to see what we're up to.
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In the Know
Compare TRS and TRTA/AMBA Vision and Dental Plans
Click the links below to see information from TRS and TRTA/AMBA about their Vision and Dental Plans.
TRS Vision and Dental
About TRTA
GRSP is a chapter of the Texas Retired Teachers Association. Both organizations serve all public education retirees.
Mission Statement:
GRSP advocates improved benefits for all education retirees and promotes the well-being of its members.
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Your membership matters! We need you!
Membership means you have a voice when it comes to your retirement benefits, including a much needed Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for education retirees, in addition to ensuring the Texas Legislature continues to support our defined benefit (pension).
Your membership helps leverage the influence retirees have with legislators, leveraging our strong, united voice to ensure legislative promises for education retirees are kept and that retiree pensions remain sound for past, current, and future educators and other school personnel.
And GRSP offers great fellowship and fun!
Click here to access our print membership form.
Click here to access our online membership form.
Contact Us
General Meeting Address
District One Dallas County Commissioner's Satellite Office Training Room
715 Rowlett Road
Garland, Texas 75043